Deb and Chris ask Doug Cunnington all the questions about turning side-hustles into enough passive income to retire early.
Episode 007 - From Rock Bottom to a Purpose-filled Life with Deanna Broaddus
In this episode, Chris and Debbie welcome Deanna Broaddus of Recovering Women Wealth. Deanna shares openly and honestly about the many obstacles she’s overcome in her life to begin to create the life she felt called to. Some of these obstacles include:
- an attempted suicide after a broken engagement
- drug and alcohol addiction
- debt and bankruptcy
The conversation dives deep into these topics, as well as, how Deanna was able to overcome them in order to begin designing the life she felt called to live. She tells us about:
- the relief that came from freeing herself from the debt that was weighing her down
- the steps she took that allowed her to do so, as well as, live a life of sobriety
- the life she’s been able to now that she’s overcome addiction, debt, and begun working toward retirement
Listen in to hear her full story and her advice for anyone that has obstacles of their own to overcome in their path to living the life they feel called to.
This conversation has Chris and Debbie thinking…
“ ‘I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed.’ – Booker T. Washington
Deanna’s story is at least as inspiring as any, in the lessons of using the obstacles placed in our path to light the way ahead. Deanna’s obstacles–an attempted suicide, drug addiction, unhealthy relationships, the weighty burden of debt–may be similar to or dramatically different from your own obstacles. Either way, they illustrate the powerful resilience of human nature and that perhaps no obstacle is too big to overcome.
What are the obstacles in the way of the path to the life your soul longs for? Deanna’s lessons point out the usefulness in:
- Identifying them
- Being open and honest about them
- Then building a support system around you to help you continue moving forward rather than taking steps back
Deanna said, “I can remember feeling called to do something, but I wasn’t able to do it. I didn’t like that.” Her first step to being able to do what she felt called to do, was honesty. I have no doubt that she’s not alone in feeling that taking the very important first step of being completely and vulnerably open about where she found herself and where she wanted to go was overwhelmingly difficult. Though it was that first obstacle, telling the whole truth, that led to a feeling of the first burden being lifted, making her next steps that much lighter and smoother.
What is your goal in life, friends–your really big dream or wish or desire? May you find the courage to speak it aloud. In doing so, may the people in your life that show-up for you step forward, while the obstacles you thought previously blocking your way become the very spark that illuminates your next steps toward the life that’s calling to you. May you find within you that inherent human quality called resilience and use it to step out into this ONE LIFE you’ve been given and courageously LIVE IT! today.”
Resources from the show
- Deanna’s blog:
- Email:
- To learn more about her mission and how you can help support it and the mission through Juna Amagara, read this blog post from Deanna:
- Juna Amagara
- Follow her on socials:
- For more inspiration to design the life YOU’RE called to live, try reading this post or this one.
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