Performance Reviews for Your Marriage, Epic Fail or Smash Hit? w/Juan Fernandez – Episode 022

Episode 022 - Performance Reviews for Your Marriage, Epic Fail or Smash Hit? w/Juan Fernandez

Get a sneak peek of Chris and Debbie’s conversation with Juan Fernandez in this episode. Juan is a husband, father, engineer, and Venezuelan native working toward a future of financial independence from an employer’s paycheck while living an adventurous life in Colorado.

In this snippet, Juan shares the benefits he’s found by bringing the performance review model he developed, for his team members at work, to his marriage at home. He asked his wife to review him, just as he did for himself, in the following areas:

  1. What there is to be thankful for concerning his actions and behaviors
  2. The status of his goals and their alignment with his behavior
  3. Opportunities for Improvement
  4.  What he should continue, stop, and start

The three of them discuss the benefits of having regular “meetings” with your spouse, and they all laugh together as Debbie mocks Chris and Juan for bringing their similar engineering personalities into their marriages through such meetings.

Listen in to decide if you’d like to give a marriage meeting a try. Then check out next week’s episode to hear all Juan has to share about growing up in Venezuela, attending and paying for college in the U.S., and why working toward financial independence is so important to him.

Other resources from the show

You can read all about Juan’s performance review with his wife in this blog post on his site

Get your free “Stop the Drift” workbook HERE.

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