Deb and Chris ask Doug Cunnington all the questions about turning side-hustles into enough passive income to retire early.
Episode 016 - Self-Publishing Your Dream Life with MK Williams
In this episode of the podcast, Chris and Debbie sit down with MK Williams.
MK has published six books of her own and assisted in the publication of many more. Today she discusses:
- her first decision to give up her dream for fear of not being good enough
- what she did after receiving harsh, discouraging criticism from someone she considered an expert and looked up to
- how she finally decided to take matters into her own hands after repeated rejection
- taking back her authority and paving her own path to bring her dream to life
- learning to redefine worth and purpose after leaving her prestigious corporate job
- how working toward financial independence led to her job(s) with ChooseFI
- taking her own dreams off the, “and then” list
- stopping the drift with her finances, corporate employment, and in early retirement
- what led to her coaching others through the self-publishing process
- how she makes time for her many jobs while pursuing her own writing dreams
- what it’s been like to leave her W2 job and grow a family in the unexpected wake of COVID19
If you’ve ever doubted your ability or authority in pursuing your dreams or passions or given up after not finding the permission you’ve been seeking, MK’s story will inspire you to take your authority back and pave your own path to the life you seek.
Her final parting wisdom, “Everyone has a story to share.”
Other resources from the show
- Get in touch with MK:
- Other resources from this episode:
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