Deb and Chris ask Doug Cunnington all the questions about turning side-hustles into enough passive income to retire early.
Episode 027 - Your financial independence and real estate investing questions answered!
In this episode, Chris and Debbie touch on the basics of real estate investing, financial independence, and broad market index fund investing.
They answer the following questions:
- “What is financial independence?”
- “What is the best way to get started in real estate investing?”
- “How do you decide what properties are worth investing in?”
- “Is my personal residence an asset?”
- “Is real estate investing the only way to reach financial independence?”
- “How do I know when I have enough cash-flow or enough invested to retire?”
In answer, they talk briefly discuss the following:
- Their first rental properties, why they bought them, and what the numbers were like
- Appreciation, cash-flow, and buy-and-hold investments
- The 1% rule in real estate investing
- Assets versus liabilities
- High risk and lower risk investments
- Real estate mind-set
- Low fee broad market index funds
- The 4% rule in stock market investing and retirement
- Tracking monthly spending
- The anti-budget
Other resources from the show
- Books mentioned in this episode:
- The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins
- Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
- The Lifestyle Investor by Justin Donald
- Learn a lot more about the 1% rule of real estate in this very thorough blog post on
- Read more about tracking your spending in this article from ChooseFI and/or just use this spending tracker they created.
- Read more about the “anti-budget” in this blog post from Paula Pant on, or listen to this podcast episode by the same author.
- Read more about Dave Ramsey’s envelope budgeting method in this blog post.
- If you want to know more about investing and/or have more questions
- Get Debbie’s book The Other Side of Perfect: Discovering the Mind-Body Connection to Healing Chronic Illness
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