Stop the Drift!

Like you, we(Chris and Deb) have been at that junction in life where most things are pretty okay--you've got a job, your kids probably aren't going to be sociopaths, you have a few friends on Facebook--but something really feels like it's missing. Maybe you know exactly what that is. We didn't.

We sat on the sidelines and quietly tried to push down this unsettling feeling that was whispering to us that we were meant for more. But what does that even mean? Shouldn't I just be happy with what I have today? Who am I to think that I deserve more than I've got? Shouldn't I just stay in my lane and leave the really cool stuff to the people who've got it all figured out?

We feel ya. Those questions swirled around in our heads for years. Thankfully, we found really good mentors, books, podcasts, and started to have conversations with each other that helped us to break free from the limiting beliefs that were holding us back. Our prison cell was entirely comfy and had all the makings that would lull us into blissful drift...until it didn't. We had strayed for far too long; the whispers had become screams; it was time to take action.

In our Stop The Drift workbook, we hope to provide you with some guidance on the techniques that worked for us. As crazy it sounds, we were too disconnected from ourselves and had spent too much time living someone else's dream that we forgot to dream ourselves. Or, even if we had dreams, we put those on the shelf for someday. Well, my friend, we all run out of somedays at some point. I think it's time to dream again. I think it's time for you to not only live your dream life but be an inspiration for others to live theirs. We're daring to live our Bucket-List life and we'd love to have you join us!

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About Us

Climbing 14,000+ ft. peaks seems scary. It can be. Sometimes it means stepping onward and upward in spite of that fear. More often, it’s exhilarating and exciting and even breathtaking–figuratively, yes, but often hard work that leaves you breathless.

Something far scarier for us was taking chances with our lives–putting conventions and expectations aside and stepping toward our curiosity about living a less conventional life. We had built a life that was safe and secure, with steady paychecks, pensions, 401(k)s, two amazing daughters, two dogs–you know, the whole white-picket-fence type of life. This lifestyle allowed us to visit the mountains or the beach on weekends or our one-week(ish), work-granted vacation every year.

Still, our hearts and souls called for something more. We began to question the necessity of it all. And even more, the plausibility of putting off our dreams–the things we genuinely aspired to do, the places we yearned to see, and all the beauty we desired to create–until traditional retirement. The thought of putting that off left us feeling hollow and incomplete.

The absolute scariest thing that we have done–and continue to do–is to step toward our inquisitiveness and continue to define and build our dream life–our bucket-list life–TODAY, not someday.

The very scaffolding of constructing our dream life is the desire to help others. To do this, we built GoBucketYourself.

This is our platform to help Y-O-U design the life of your dreams. We’re inspired to help individuals, couples, and families overcome fear, adjust their mindset, handle their finances, and plan adventures in a way that allows you to quit putting your dreams on a waiting list and live your bucket-list life today.

Our Podcast

We, along with their guests, share tales that will inspire you to leap from your ho-hum, every-day life into a more purpose-filled and adventurous one--a life that is totally off-script from what’s been prescribed, one that’s uniquely your own.
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